Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I would like to take a minute to thank each and everyone of you for your comments and your views to my blog. I don't think you all know how much it means to me. As I see my number climb and each new comment I am overcome with emotion that so many people care about me. Thank you for your continued support and your kind words give me the strengh that I need to know that things are going to be okay for me.
I will keep things short tonight since it is a pretty bad headache night for me tonight. I don't know if it's the tumor, the stress, the joy or the combination of everything that has brought upon this lovely headache I currently have but I will take it because my day has been so great.
I actually slept until 7:30 today! It felt amazing. I haven't slept that late in weeks and to boot my phone didn't ring until 8:30. Such a great start for me. I made lunch plans with a friend and got myself a lazy morning combined with a great meal and great company all before work. Who could really ask for more at this point.
I had such an emotional day yesterday and today all I really wanted to do is lay in bed. ( I'm happy I didn't) I was having such mixed feelings about going to work. First there is the whole I'm tired and I don't know if I can do this thought. Then there's the how can I let work down thought. Me being me, I go to work with the view that it is my sanctuary right now. When I'm at work I'm not the girl with the brain tumor I'm just a person who works there. None of the guest there need to know what I am struggling with so I get to listen to their complaints and fix them. I don't mind because it feels good to fix something that is wrong. I may not be able to fix me but I can fix some one's meal and make them happy. Everyone at work has been so amazing as well. My co-workers, my bosses, and my staff they have been nothing but supportive.
I will not be doing one of the things on my list and I just hope that one day I will be able to do it. I was told that I cannot go to Universal to visit Harry Potter World. I know that this may seem small but to me it was big deal. I'm afraid that I will never be able to do something like that again. Going on any rides is not an option for me. I'm not sure if it is something that I will ever be able to do. Who knows what will happen to me after my surgery. I have been told about all of these awful things I will encounter so my brain can't help but think what else....


  1. Dana, you may not be able to 'go on rides', but you are going to find that you will come to appreciate so many more little things in your life that will bring you so much joy and satisfaction, you might one day even question why you thought that was an issue. For now, please take a moment,look at yourself in the mirror, and stop to smile at the awesome person you are, because you are, and you can!!!I Love You ! Love, Aunt Sheri

  2. Holy crap, Dana!! I just saw Jerri's post about your blog and came right over. I know I haven't seen you or talked to you in ages, but just know that you are in my thoughts from this point forward! I'll be rooting for you and crying with you from afar as we are now in NC. Stay strong and do whatever you feel you need to do to get through this!

    (( hugs )) Kris

  3. Hi Dana
    You don't know me but I am friends with your Aunt Mary Lyn. I am a brain tumor survivor! I will be keeping you in my prayers. When I heard your story it brought up so many memories for me. My surgery was 5 1/2 years ago. If you ever want to chat or email me to talk to someone who has been there, please feel free to do so. Just remember who YOU are. Don't let the tumor change you. It may change the way you appear but it can NEVER change your heart if you don't let it, unless you use it to help your heart become even bigger. The Doctors will always tell you the worst outcome as they want you to be prepared, but its not always as bad as they say it will be. If I can offer some suggestions, read positive affirmations daily, don't over research it just makes you crazy, and be kind to yourself. Don't worry about what other people think right now because those that love you will be by your side no matter what and those that judge you don't deserve you. I hear you are a fabulous woman! Keep your head up (when its not hurting) and take one step at a time! Oh and try to keep a sense of humour, it really freaks people out! Trish Danku

  4. We all love you and are praying that you will be able to fulfill all of your dreams once this is behind you. Love and miss you Peggy Kaitlyn Rick &Danielle

  5. I love the post from Trish Danku. It's very encouraging to see someone who has been there and come out of it healthy! I agree that doctors tend to give you worst case scenarios in order to prepare you but many of the side effects they mention are possibilities, not definites! I am amazed at your strength! And just the fact that you are still concerned with not wanting to upset anyone or hurt their feelings says a lot about who you are! We are all rooting for you Dana!

  6. Forgot to sign that one too.. It's Andrea! (:

  7. Dana,
    Your blog is amazing. I cant even begin to imagine what you are going thru, but knowing you, you are going to come back and better than ever. Life is such an interesting journey and I know no matter what you will stay positive and never give up. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

